
Future (comment-10)

  THE FUTURE   😎😎     In fifty years time we will drive flying cars and other means of tranports that will fly. They will be more comfortable and they will go to far places. The flying cars in the future will be very famous and many people will have one flying car because this won't be very expensive. I think they will be much more efficient than the current means of transport. There will also be airplanes that will be much faster than the currents means of transport and will make our lives easier. I think in ten years all types of transport will be very fast and speeds of between 2,000 km/h and 2,000 km/h. Also trains, cars, bikes, scooters, etc, they will all be electric and they will be better and will help in the enviroment. All this will help us in our lives and improve the planet little by little. they will help much our planet much and we will do everything possible to achieve many more things like this to improve our planet and its environment. In conclusion, I think tha

8 March (comment - 11)

  8 MARCH, INTERNACIONAL WOMEN'S DAY Women's Day is a very important day for our society, but many people don't take it as seriously as other people. International Women's Day is March 8, it was invented in 1975 by the ON. This day has already passed today and has been very important for most people in the world. March 8 will be more and more international and for this day there will be less gender violence and our society will have more people in favor of this. The purpose of this day is that women will be treated better and any avoding any violence against them.

Technology (comment 4)

  TECHNOLOGY  😄    Nowadays mobile phones are too important for teenagers. Mobile phones  can sometimes be danger ous but they can be necessary enough, nowadays for communication and for some people in their work. They can save lives in case of danger, through their communication. Technology can be used very well in our society.  For teenagers, technology can be so bad, because of the comments that people make on social networks, they can cause psychological disorders in teenagers. They are not good enough for people, especially teenagers.

Konowledge (comment 09)

  KNOWLEDGE  😎  Having knowledge is essential to develop thinking, problem solving and creativity skills. Nowadays, it is very important for everyday life, and especially for teenagers who study to know well what they want to be when they grow up.  Knowledge helps us a lot when it comes to doing things correctly.  

The moments (comment 08)

TE MOMENTS  😼   All the good things we live and experience come to an end, but the good thing is that better things and experiences come afterwards. Life takes many turns and you may find yourself in a bad moment, but then good times will happen to you. As I have seen the video of Emma , it explains that everything comes to an end, new stages must be opened, you must known that you are going to have journeys in your life that you like and others that you don't like so much, but everything happens and it's good. Andrea Romera 2ºB

Hight School (comment 07)

      TERMS This Christmas has been very short for me but this second term I am going to start better than in the first and my goal is to get better grades. This term is shorter than the first, I prefer the second. The second term is more beautiful than the first because more excursions are made, but the first is more dificult than the second. Andrea Romera 2ºB

2024 (comment 05)

COMMENT 05   2023 is over and it has been a very special year for me. I have enjoyed it a lot, I have made very good friends and I have had a great time with my family. During the summer holidays and Christmas I had a great time, and I also went on a trip. 2024 is already beginning and I hope this year will be much better than the previous years ago. I hope to fulfill my goals and get better grades in my studies. This year I will go on a trip and I will also have a great time like last year. Andrea Romera 2ºB